Powerlifter performing a deadlift at a competition with a "Powerlifting America" banner in the background.


- Making Monsters -

Group of four people at USA Powerlifting event with medals

WHo Are We?

We at Cryptid Strength are a hybrid online / in person powerlifting coaching company based out of Oregon that prioritizes personalized programs and active feedback to help our athletes accomplish their fitness goals.

We make an active effort to educate our athletes and offer council on all aspects of the powerlifting journey - both inside and outside of the gym.



We offer more than just copy and paste cookie-cutter splits. Our coaches will create month-to-month programs made just for you that evolve as you do.

ONe-on-one feedback

Our coaches are available by phone to provide daily feedback on lifting form, nutrition, or general advice so that you can make the most of your mentorship.


*As Availability Allows*

When possible, our coaches will physically accompany you to your competitions as your handler to ensure you have access to council when it matters most.

Contact Us

Interested in working together? Fill out our athlete application form and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to grow stronger together!

Making Monsters


Making Monsters >:)

Making Monsters


Making Monsters >:)

Making Monsters


Making Monsters >:)

Making Monsters


Making Monsters >:)

Making Monsters


Making Monsters >:)

Making Monsters


Making Monsters >:)